Escorts and Relationships – a Good Idea?

Some people would find the idea of escorts and relationships being mentioned in the same sentence as abhorrent. The traditional view of an escort is a stocking clad tart with a miniskirt, bright red lipstick and platinum blonde hair, using a guy for cash then moving on.

But hang on a second and think about how things have changed over the years. Firstly this view is totally outdated. Escorts today come in all denominations with the majority of them being very attractive and sexy young ladies simply doing a job to satisfy a need. Perhaps a more pertinent observation would be that of where an escort may fit into an existing relationship. 

The simple fact is that not everyone’s sex lives are totally in sync – particularly through the period of a long relationship. One or the other participant  in the relationship may have higher sexual desires at certain periods than the other. We don’t mean daily or weekly fluctuations in sex desire, we are talking here about longer term trends. 

What this invariably means is that one of the couple are going through an element of sexual frustration that may well be damaging to the relationship. It is no ones fault potentially, it is just one of those occurrences that happens from time to time.

Is their sexual chemistry between a client and his escort?

So what are the options available to a guy in this situation? He could suffer in silence but sexual demands and needs are often far more important than many people realise. Ignoring these feelings and requirements can have longer term damaging psychological effects. 

One opportunity available to a guy struggling in this situation is to consider the use of an escort. This may not be something that could easily be discussed with his partner though. Many guys and women have a different view on making love and sex. To many guys sex is a physical act of relief that can easily be disassociated from feelings of love. To many girls sex and love are one and the same thing. So if this is a route that a guy is taking then he may well be advised to act with extreme discretion and caution.

The reality of the situation though is that if a guy can book and use the services of an escort for what he considers to be a natural act that he needs, then that may well be a life saver for the long term relationship. Most guys would not fall in love with an escort. Indeed, most guys if they were using an escorts services on a monthly basis would choose a different girl each time anyway. So he has no fear of generating any real emotions from her or with her. Pretty safe in his book.

Can you differentiate between love and sex?

The key to the above working or failing lies in two areas. That of the ability of the guy to be able to differentiate between love and sex and the discretion on the part of the guy to keep things private. Yes he runs the risk of being accused of deception by keeping this from his partner but he is also suffering in silence by not receiving enough love or sexual feeling from her. 

Escorts are well experienced in these areas and recognise that many guys are in exactly the same situation. Their partners may not be as sexual as they once were and the guy still has his needs. To that end these escorts are great at supplying and delivering an essential service that on many occasions can help to make a relationship stronger and give it a better chance of survival. With some discreet behaviour and a willing escort then the guy can quickly get what he needs which in turn will ensure that he is not pestering his partner every five minutes for attention and sex. 

So is there a place for an escort in a relationship? If the guy involved can cope with the mental issues that this may generate and if he is happy remaining discreet and keeping this from his partner to save her from being pestered then it may be a solution for some couples. If this helps them to stick together happily then that has to be positive.

What were London escorts thoughts on this?

We decided to email a few escort agencies in London to see if any of there girls would give us their thoughts on escorts and relationships and thankfully we had once response from Crush Escorts.

Rosa told us that escorting and relationships are in fact normal and she has a partner of 13 years and still does the same job and he has no problems with this, a lot of girls will offer a gfe service (girlfriend like experience) where you will do things that normal couples would do like go for dinner together.

As long as you are not the jealous type then escorts and relationships are no problem at all.

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